Innopolis University DevOps Playground
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MR-14: ChatIDs Acquisition and Complaint Scenario Modification

Maxim Martyshov requested to merge Gas_Station_Manager_ChatID into main

Merge Request Description:

This merge request (MR) covers the resolution of two linked issues concerning the processing of chat IDs for gas station managers and modification of the complaint scenario.

Issue 1: Acquisition and Processing of Gas Station Manager's ChatIDs

The first issue involves the acquisition of gas station manager's chat IDs from our client, processing any poorly formatted data received, and creating an instructional guide for the process. This issue includes the following tasks:

  • Contact the client to solicit the required data.
  • Develop a comprehensive instructional guide on how to collect and submit chat IDs.
  • Receive the data file from the client in either Excel or CSV format.
  • Design a function that effectively handles and cleans poorly formatted data.

Issue 2: Modification of Complaint Scenario

The second issue requires modification of the current complaint scenario. This involves writing a new function that retrieves the chat ID of a specific gas station from a CSV file and incorporates this function into process_complaint in Tasks for this issue include:

  • Develop a function that retrieves a chat ID based on a gas station number from a CSV file.
  • Integrate the new function into the process_complaint function in
  • Test the modified complaint scenario thoroughly to ensure it works as intended.

Acceptance Criteria:

The acceptance criteria for this MR are as per the tasks outlined in the description for each issue.

Additional Notes:

The function should handle exceptions gracefully, returning a suitable error message if a chat ID does not exist for a given gas station number.

Merge Request Assignees:

  • TBD

Changes Included:

  • TBD (after the work has been done)

How to Test:

  • TBD (based on the changes made)

This merge request is a vital step towards ensuring a more streamlined complaint management system, leading to increased client satisfaction and efficiency of our services.

Merge request reports